School places are now available for your child. Please get in touch to arrange a school tour with the new headteacher, Mr Walker-Jones. 01949 860056
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Langar Church of England Primary School


Don't just take our word for it!


Eleanor in year 2 says, " Langar is the best school ever!"


Whilst parents say, "We believe Langar school has successfully achieved the balance of educating our children with giving them the skills and values to become well rounded individuals – ready for their next steps in life. Thank you for creating such a wonderful and enriching culture and community in school. "

We are a small school occupying an idyllic rural setting in the village of Langar, on the Nottinghamshire / Leicestershire border. As a Voluntary Controlled Church of England school, we enjoy a close relationship with the church of St Andrew's and hold regular events and collective worships there.


The school includes a spacious hall, four classrooms, a pre-school room, full cook kitchen, community room, administration offices and staff room. An extensive outdoor environment offers undercover learning facilities, a reflection garden, vegetable garden, orchard, music room, quiet working environment and extensive sports facilities - including an all weather track, field and MUGA.


We are part of a warm, welcoming and supportive community who enhance our curriculum by volunteering their skills and services and supporting fundraising events. As a result of their generosity we have been able to build a dedicated music room, host various themed weeks - such as Grown Up Week and Respect Week, provide children with outdoor learning suits and have had numerous talks and workshops about local charities and volunteers.


We are part of the Fosse Schools – a partnership of  small rural primary schools situated in the vicinity of the old Roman road, the Fosse Way. Our aim is to work in partnership to enrich and enhance the educational opportunities already provided by the individual schools. We are also a member of the Rushcliffe Schools Alliance, a group of 31 primary schools, which provides services for its members (professional development, procurement, etc)  formerly provided by the Local Authority.


The school works with the Early Years Learning Alliance to deliver education and childcare for children from 0 – 11 years of age. Childcare facilities are available between 7.30am and for fifty-one weeks of the year.


We hope that you enjoy exploring our website. Visits are more than welcome to the school, however we would keep this to one visit per family .  Please contact the office if you would like to do this.


Parent Voice 


"I am always amazed at how well the children behave, especially during assemblies. Children always hold doors and have good manners."


"Both of our girls are loving their time at Langar. We are very happy with every aspect of their school life. I feel that we have a lovely relationship; not just with the girls’ immediate teachers but with other staff members too. One of our favourite things about the school is its family feeling. We feel like we are included in all aspects of the girl’s educational and pastoral activities which is so lovely."


"My children are extremely happy at school. There is good staff presence, including the Head, at times during the day which I believe is positive. As parents we are consulted about changes at school – such as time changes. The staff work hard to provide ‘extras’ for the school – such as the daily mile track, which will benefit the community too. Communication is generally good."


"I highly recommend this school and all the teachers and we are even hoping to send our youngest girls to this school as well."





Exceptional Academic Performance
